Trademark passing

See the trademark passes in the combined highlight video

And in all the other highlight videos

  • Balls played in between center-back and fullback into space.
  • On the floor and in the air.
  • Diagonal pass's to wingers and fullbacks running into space.
  • Chip balls behind the defense into space, catching the defenders on the turn.
  • Pass up thru the middel, spliting the opposition. making its way to striker or number 10 to turn or lay of .

Heatmap data:

The first heatmap is from Kristian's game against FC Barcelona. Besides that, powerplay arrows from the exact match overlapping the heatmap 

  • 12,67 km covered
  • 68 Powerplays

The second heatmap is from Kristian's game against Valencia CF. Besides is the powerplay arrows overlapping the heatmap data.

  • 11,87 km covered
  • 76 powerplays

Throw in distance

35 meters

Highest recorded in game pase

32,18 km/h

Languages spoken

Danish, English, Spanish

Date of birth

29 of march 2002

Passing accuracy


Preferred position


Danish nationality

European passport holder


76 kg

Vertical Jump

72 cm

Average distance ran per game


Preferred foot


